Monday, February 13, 2017


Unfortunately, Graham and Rosalyn have both passed away from old age. 

 Daphne aged up into a young adult!
 Ashton aged up into an adult.
 The twins had a birthday and aged up into toddlers. Madison has blonde hair and Cassandra has brown/auburn hair.

 Jameson aged up into a teen.
 Cameron aged up into an adult.
 The twins aged up into children!

 Ashton and Cameron decided it was time to try for another baby just as Jameson aged up into a young adult and moved out.

-Daphne gained the social butterfly trait when she aged up into a young adult.
-Cameron went to jail again.
-Jameson gained the flirty trait when he aged up into a teen.
Cassandra gained the light sleeper trait when she aged up into a child.
-Madison gained the technophobe trait when she aged up into a child.
-Cameron reached level 4 of the Criminal career.
-Ashton reached level 5 of the Journalism career.
-Jameson gained the born salesman trait when he aged up into a young adult.

Friday, February 10, 2017


Jameson learned how to walk and talk! He also got to spend some quality time with his big sister. Daphne had decided she likes to play peek-a-boo with her baby brother.

 Cameron and Ashton have decided they want to try for another baby!

 Daphne aged up into a teen!
 Jameson aged up into a child!
 Ashton just found out she is pregnant again!

 Ashton went into labor and had a set of twins!

 Cassandra Parker (baby #3 of 5): excitable and athletic.
Madison Parker (baby #4 of 5): loves the cold and hates the outdoors.
-Ashton reached level 4 of the Journalism career.
-Daphne gained the good trait when she aged up into a teen,
-Jameson gained the clumsy trait when he aged up into a child.