Thursday, January 5, 2017

Week 8 Part 1

Previously on the Bachelorette: Savannah went on vacation with each of the bachelors and spent some quality time with them. Donte was sent home and we are now down to the last 2 bachelors. Who will win Savannah's heart: Anderson or Steeley?
On Day 1, Savannah performed 3 romantic interactions with each bachelor. 

 Day 2 had Savannah going on a date with Anderson to the World of Wonder Amusement Park. 

 On Day 3, Savannah performed 3 friendly interactions with each of the guys. Now that it's getting down to the wire, quality time with Savannah is very important.

Next time on the Bachelorette:the weeks draws to a close and Savannah makes her final decision. Who is the lucky guy?

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