Friday, February 10, 2017


Jameson learned how to walk and talk! He also got to spend some quality time with his big sister. Daphne had decided she likes to play peek-a-boo with her baby brother.

 Cameron and Ashton have decided they want to try for another baby!

 Daphne aged up into a teen!
 Jameson aged up into a child!
 Ashton just found out she is pregnant again!

 Ashton went into labor and had a set of twins!

 Cassandra Parker (baby #3 of 5): excitable and athletic.
Madison Parker (baby #4 of 5): loves the cold and hates the outdoors.
-Ashton reached level 4 of the Journalism career.
-Daphne gained the good trait when she aged up into a teen,
-Jameson gained the clumsy trait when he aged up into a child.

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