Saturday, October 8, 2016

Chapter 23

Paislee has gone into labor. She had a set of triplets!

 Skylar Hastings: good and perceptive.
 Simon Hastings: athletic and friendly.
 Sebastian Hastings: perceptive and clumsy.
Kieran helps Paislee start potty training the triplets.

 Quinn and Quincy made the honor roll and aged up into young adults.
 Quinn has gained the absent-minded trait.
 Quincy has gained the proper trait.
The next day, Kieran and Paislee teach the triplets how to talk. 

 The next day the triplets learn how to walk and age up into children.

 Simon has gained the night owl trait.
 Skylar has gained the loves to swim trait.
Sebastian has gained the vegetarian trait. 

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