Saturday, March 25, 2017


Grace has aged up into an adult and decided to get a new haircut.
Grace's husband, Adam, decided to change up his hair too. Even though he hasn't had his birthday yet...
 Friday night's activity was to attend a sports event in town. The game wasn't until Sunday, so Grace and Adam spent Friday night at home watching some TV and went to the game on Sunday.

 Right in the middle of the game, Grace was called to the hospital for an emergency and had to leave. Adam stayed for the rest of the game and then headed home.
 After a long, stressful day, Adam and Grace decided to try for a baby!

+40 Points- Grace has achieved levels 1-4 of the logic skill
+10 points- Adam reached level 2 of the logic skill
+10 points-Grace reached level 5 of the logic skill
+10 points- Adam reached level 2 of the Law Enforcement career
+10 points- Adam reached level 3 of the Law Enforcement career
+10 points- Grace reached level 4 of medical career
+10 points- Grace reached level 6 of the logic skill
+10 points- Adam reached level 4 of Law Enforcement career
+10 points- Grace reached level 5 of medical career
+30 points- Adam reached levels 1-3 of athletic skill
+10 points- Grace reached level 6 of medical career

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