Sunday, January 29, 2017


Generation 3 rolls can be seen on the side --------->
Here are the Generation 3 founders!
 Ashton Parker- Journalist
-clumsy, eccentric, over-emotional, eco-friendly, star quality
-LTW: Star News Anchor
 Cameron (Cooley) Parker: Thief
-good sense of humor, hopeless romantic, lucky, kleptomaniac, loves to swim
-LTW: Become a Master Thief

Just like her parents did, Ashton had a quick little wedding ceremony with Cameron after she proposed to him.

 The two lovebirds decided to get started on their family right away and tried for a baby.

 Hmmmm.... Ashton isn't getting much sleep with this nauseous feeling hanging around. And the gnome in the bathroom isn't helping much either.
 Graham has finally aged up into an elder.
 Ashton just found out she is pregnant!

-Cameron joined the criminal career.
-Ashton joined the journalism career.
-Graham retired with a daily pension of $280.

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