Monday, January 16, 2017


Generation 2 rolls can be seen on the side------------>
Graham is getting started on his goals right away. He has started working on his gourmet goal. He made his favorite meal,pancakes.

 Graham and Rosalyn fell head over heels for each other right away and Graham wasted no time proposing to her. She said yes and they had a quick little private ceremony right then and there!
 Rosalyn (Costello) Parker:adventurous, heavy sleeper, hot-headed, ambitious, charismatic
LTW: Professional Author

 Graham is back in the kitchen, this time making tofu dogs, which are Summer and Ethan's favorite.

 Rosalyn is also jumping in head first and heads to the computer to start writing a book.

 Graham also is working on his athletic skill to give him a boost at his job.

-Graham attended an athletic class (Class #1 of 10).
-Rosalyn registered as a self-employed writer.
-Graham attended a cooking class (Class #2 of 10).
-Rosalyn finished writing a Sci-Fi novel.
-Rosalyn finished writing a Trashy novel.
-Rosalyn finished writing a Drama novel.

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