Tuesday, January 10, 2017


When he doesn't have any gigs, Ethan spends most of his days performing for tips in random public places. 

 Summer is still working towards completing her LTW and has been reading logic books when she gets the chance.
 Hoping to boost her performance at her apprenticeship, Kennedy has taken up the guitar.
 While on a field trip, Kennedy found a genie lamp! She only used one wish and wished for World Peace.

 The Parkers have adopted a puppy! Lily is a Chow-Lab mix.

 Lily seems to be settling into her new home pretty easily.

 Wesley has aged up into a child.
 Summer has gone into labor! She had another little boy, baby #3 out of 3.

 Graham Parker: absent-minded and clumsy.
Ethan has been getting great reviews from his performances lately.

 Graham's birthday has come around and he has aged up into a toddler!

 Someone else in the Parker household had a birthday too. Lily has aged up into an adult.

-Wesley gained the Bookworm trait when he aged up into a child.
-Wesley has chosen World Renowned Surgeon as his LTW.
-Ethan has reached level 9 of the Magician career!
-Ethan has a steady performance every Sunday at Flying V's Coffeehouse.
-Kennedy has reached level 2 of the Music Business Apprenticeship.

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