Monday, December 26, 2016


Unfortunately, my 100 baby challenge save file, as well as my two backup files have all been corrupted, so I have lost my current 100 baby challenge. Chapter 43 that was posted earlier will be the last chapter for this challenge. I will be ending the challenge here instead of attempting to pick it back up somehow. I made it to 91 babies, which is farther than I ever have before, so I'll take it! I will be redesigning my blog and starting a Bachelorette challenge here in the next few days. I will be attempting to add in more story elements along with the pictures for future challenges so that there is more of the actual story to read. I admit that I got lazy towards the end of the 100 baby challenge and had a lot of repetitive parts of the story because I just got bored with it. Thank you to the people who have continued to read my story about the Hastings family and I hope you stick around to see what's next!


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