Saturday, December 3, 2016

Chapter 32

Brooke doesn't waste any time securing her pregnancy.

 Brooke is pregnant!
 Tenley has aged up into an elder.
 Brooke has gone into labor and had a set of twins!

 Carson Hastings: good and insane.
 Carolina Hastings: good and perceptive.
Tenley and Brooke get busy potty training the twins.

 The next day, the twins learn how to talk.

 Next, the twins learn how to walk and age up into children.

 Carolina has gained the no sense of humor trait.
 Carson has gained the vegetarian trait.
Brooke heads next door to find her next baby daddy.
 Brooke just found out she is pregnant again!
 After several days of writing, Brooke has gone into labor. She had a set of triplets!

 Dalton Hastings: heavy sleeper and good.
 Dakota Hastings: eccentric and genius.
Delaney Hastings: hates the outdoors and disciplined. 

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