Saturday, December 31, 2016

Week 5 Part 1

Previously on the Bachelorette: Savannah has started to really get invested in the remaining bachelors. Jacob, despite scoring the coveted single date, was eliminated. Will this be the week that Savannah kicks up the romance a few notches?
Day 1 had Savannah really delving into the romance with the bachelors. She performed enough romantic interactions to unlock the "confess attraction" and "first kiss" interactions with each of the bachelors.

 On Day 2, Savannah took Eugene and Logan to the country club that her family has a membership to. They played some roulette and dominoes before heading home.

 Day 3 had Savannah playing a game of table tennis with each of the guys.

 Day 4 presented another group dance date, this time with Steeley and Donte. Donte won the first dance with Savannah.

The country club is this one that I requested through the D.N.A Team.

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