Sunday, December 25, 2016

Chapter 42

Nikki, Noelle, and Okotbur have aged up into teens. 
 Noelle has gained the schmoozer trait.
 Nikki has gained the party animal trait.
 Oktobur has gained the night-owl trait.
The triplets made it onto the honor roll and have aged up into teens. (There is no teen pic for Piper. She has gained the unflirty trait).
 Prescott has gained the artistic trait. 
 Penn has gained the never nude trait.
All of the children have aged up into young adults. They have all moved out, except for Piper, who is the next heir. 
 Noelle has gained the vehicle enthusiast trait.
 Nikki has gained the neat trait.
 Okotbur has gained the perfectionist trait.
 Prescott has gained the athletic trait.
 Penn has gained the loner trait.
 Piper has gained the artistic trait.
Heidi has aged up into an elder and will be staying at the house to help Piper raise her children.

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