Sunday, December 18, 2016

Chapter 38

Heidi has gone into labor! She had a little boy.

 Jasper Hastings: heavy sleeper and athletic.
Brooke gets started potty training Jasper.
 Heidi also adopted a little girl.
 Katherine Hastings: brave and excitable.
Heidi potty trains Katherine.
 Jasper and Katherine learn how to talk and walk and age up into children.

 Isabella and Ivy made the honor roll and have aged up into teens.
 Isabella has gained the hot-headed trait.
 Ivy has gained the bot fan trait. 
 Jasper has gained the excitable trait.
 Katherine has gained the kleptomaniac trait. 
Heidi finds her next baby daddy and sets to work.

 Heidi just found out she is pregnant again!
 Heidi has gone into labor and she had a set of twins. 

 Lennox Hastings: brave and evil.
Landon Hastings: genius and heavy sleeper.

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